Residency | PhD Track for Medical Doctors
The Residency/PhD track is unique to IMPRS-TP. It combines 3-4 years of research expertise in one area of basic science to obtain a PhD and 4 years of clinical training and applied research to become licensed in psychiatry and psychotherapy. To work in a clinical setting, B1 German level is required at the time of starting at IMPRS-TP.

Once accepted onto the program, the students can start with one year of clinical training, either at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) or the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (MPI-P). On completion of the first year, they continue with a PhD education within the IMPRS-TP. After obtaining their PhD, students on the Residency/PhD track are offered to continue their residency training, where depending on research subject, up to a maximum of one year counts towards the completion of the clinical training in psychiatry and psychotherapy and should be inquired prior to starting the PhD year. For international medical doctors, it may be possible to start with the PhD track first and move to clinical training after completion of their PhD.
Please note that in all cases, we expect to have dedicated periods allocated for research and clinical work.
This program enables clinical scientists the possibility of obtaining both a PhD and residency training within 7 to 8 years.
For their clinical work, students will be paid according to the salary scale for residents in psychiatry. The research period will be funded by the IMPRS-TP faculty.