Statistical Literacy
21.10.2019 - 23.10.2019 | 09:00-17:30
Topics covered:
- Good experimental design and sources of bias.
- Systematic versus random error.
- The distinction between samples and populations.
- The most appropriate ways to describe samples.
- Estimation and the principle of hypothesis testing.
- The Standard Error of the Mean and confidence intervals.
- Understanding and reporting uncertainty.
- Power, Type I and type II errors.
- Standard parametric tests and their interpretations, including p-values, test statistics and associated distributuions.
The course emphasises on hands-on learning using custom interactive web apps that demonstrate statistical concepts in real-time.
In-class exercises and quizzes reinforce student understanding.
The course implements a single story-line throughout the workshop allowing students to see how statistics is involved at every step of the scientific method.