Publications of Juha M. Lahnakoski

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Haaf Raoul, R.; Brandi, M.-L.; Albantakis, L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Henco, L.; Schilbach, L.: Peripheral oxytocin levels are linked to hypothalamic gray matter volume in autistic adults: a cross-sectional secondary data analysis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 1380 (2024)
Journal Article
Lahnakoski, J. M.; Nolte, T.; Solway, A.; Vilares, I.; Hula, A.; Feigenbaum, J.; Lohrenz, T.; King-Casas, B.; Fonagy, P.; Montague, P. R. et al.; Schilbach, L.: A machine-learning approach for differentiating borderline personality disorder from community participants with brain-wide functional connectivity. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 360, pp. 345 - 353 (2024)
Journal Article
Alho, J.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Panula, J. M.; Rikandi, E.; Mantyla, T.; Lindgren, M.; Kieseppa, T.; Suvisaari, J.; Sams, M.; Raij, T. T.: Hippocampus-Centered Network Is Associated With Positive Symptom Alleviation in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 8 (12), pp. 1197 - 1206 (2023)
Journal Article
Saalasti, S.; Alho, J.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Bacha-Trams, M.; Glerean, E.; Jaaskelainen, I. P.; Hasson, U.; Sams, M.: Lipreading a naturalistic narrative in a female population: Neural characteristics shared with listening and reading. BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 13 (2) (2023)
Journal Article
Bolis, D.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Seidel, D.; Tamm, J.; Schilbach, L.: Interpersonal similarity of autistic traits predicts friendship quality. SI 16 (1-2), pp. 222 - 231 (2021)
Journal Article
Brandi, M.-L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Nolte, T.; Bruckl, T.; Schilbach, L.: Imagery of negative interpersonal experiences influence the neural mechanisms of social interaction. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 160, 107923 (2021)
Journal Article
Henco, L.; Brandi, M.-L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Diaconescu, A. O.; Mathys, C.; Schilbach, L.: Bayesian modelling captures inter-individual differences in social belief computations in the putamen and insula. CORTEX 131, pp. 221 - 236 (2020)
Journal Article
Brandi, M.-L.; Kaifel, D.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Schilbach, L.: A naturalistic paradigm simulating gaze-based social interactions for the investigation of social agency. BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS 52 (3), pp. 1044 - 1055 (2020)
Journal Article
Henco, L.; Diaconescu, A. O.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Brandi, M.-L.; Hoermann, S.; Hennings, J.; Hasan, A.; Papazova, I.; Strube, W.; Bolis, D. et al.; Schilbach, L.; Mathys, C.: Aberrant computational mechanisms of social learning and decision-making in schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 16 (9), e1008162 (2020)
Journal Article
Lahnakoski, J. M.; Forbes, P. A. G.; McCall, C.; Schilbach, L.: Unobtrusive tracking of interpersonal orienting and distance predicts the subjective quality of social interactions. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 7 (8), 191815 (2020)
Journal Article
Karjalainen, T.; Seppala, K.; Glerean, E.; Karlsson, H. K.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Nuutila, P.; Jaaskelainen, I. P.; Hari, R.; Sams, M.; Nummenmaa, L.: Opioidergic Regulation of Emotional Arousal: A Combined PET-fMRI Study. CEREBRAL CORTEX 29 (9), pp. 4006 - 4016 (2019)
Journal Article
Zillekens, I. C.; Brandi, M.-L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Koul, A.; Manera, V.; Becchio, C.; Schilbach, L.: Increased functional coupling of the left amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex during the perception of communicative point-light stimuli. SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 14 (1), pp. 97 - 107 (2019)
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