Publications of Susanne Lucae
All genres
Journal Article (47)
Journal Article
Huntingtin CAG repeat size variations below the Huntington's disease threshold: associations with depression, anxiety and basal ganglia structure. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS (2024)
Journal Article
Genome-wide meta-analysis of ascertainment and symptom structures of major depression in case-enriched and community cohorts. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE (2024)
Journal Article
22 (1), 311 (2024)
The impact of a digital guideline version on schizophrenia guideline knowledge: results from a multicenter cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC MEDICINE 2023
Journal Article
14, 1160075 (2023)
Developing a mechanism-based therapy for acute psychiatric inpatients with psychotic symptoms: an Intervention Mapping approach. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
Targeting metacognitive change mechanisms in acute inpatients with psychotic symptoms: feasibility and acceptability of a modularized group intervention. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE (2023)
Journal Article
Weight-gain independent effect of mirtazapine on fasting plasma lipids in healthy men. NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY (2023)
Journal Article
91 (1), pp. 102 - 117 (2022)
Sex-Dependent Shared and Nonshared Genetic Architecture Across Mood and Psychotic Disorders. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
13, 937582 (2022)
Recurrent suicide attempts affect normalization of HPA axis dysregulation after recovery from major depression. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
91 (3), pp. 313 - 327 (2022)
Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
Effects of Pharmacokinetic Gene Variation on Therapeutic Drug Levels and Antidepressant Treatment Response. PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY (2022)
Journal Article
5 (1), 580 (2022)
Differential and shared genetic effects on kidney function between diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2021
Journal Article
299, 113837 (2021)
The association between genetically determined ABO blood types and major depressive disorder. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
Journal Article
131, 105286 (2021)
Effects of weariness of life, suicide ideations and suicide attempt on HPA axis regulation in depression. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY
Journal Article
95, pp. 256 - 268 (2021)
Polygenic risk for immuno-metabolic markers and specific depressive symptoms: A multi-sample network analysis study. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY
Journal Article
16 (9), e0248254 (2021)
Examining sex differences in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric genetic risk in anxiety and depression. PLOS ONE
Journal Article
53 (9), pp. 1311 - + (2021)
Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation. NATURE GENETICS
Journal Article
11 (1), 632 (2021)
Sex differences in the genetic regulation of the blood transcriptome response to glucocorticoid receptor activation. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
53 (6), pp. 817 - 829 (2021)
Genome-wide association study of more than 40,000 bipolar disorder cases provides new insights into the underlying biology. NATURE GENETICS
Journal Article
26 (1), e12880 (2021)
Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. ADDICTION BIOLOGY 2020
Journal Article
10 (1), 210 (2020)
Citalopram-induced pathways regulation and tentative treatment-outcome-predicting biomarkers in lymphoblastoid cell lines from depression patients. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY