Instructions for Applying

Please use our Online Application Tool to apply for the graduate program. Please also refer to our FAQs for the commonly asked questions about our application and selection process.

We can only accept online applications that are complete. Any late or incomplete applications will be rejected and deleted from our databank. Please do not send any written or email applications to the coordination office. We are not able to process or return them.

Timeline of important dates

The application window for the IMPRS-TP PhD program that starts in 2026 is open from August 15th 2025. Please note the following timeline:

  • All applications have to be submitted in English through our Online Application Tool
  • Application deadline: October 31st 2025 (24:00 Central European Time)
  • Deadline for references: November 7th 2025 (24:00 Central European Time)
  • Final selection process: March-May 2026
  • Start date: September to October 2026

Travel expenses and accommodation for the interview will be covered by IMPRS-TP, where applicable.


For detailed information about our application requirements see Who Qualifies.

Please note that you need to have completed your Master's degree or equivalent in a relevant field or MD prior to starting the PhD program, but not necessarily at the time of application. 

We highly recommend that you submit your application as early as possible. This may be helpful should you run into any problems during the application process, e.g. if one of your referees does not submit a recommendation in a timely manner you would have sufficient time to deal with the situation.

In your application, please select up to 3 research groups you are interested in working with. You can find details about research areas and participating research groups on our webpage.

Required Documents

  • Academic records (high school, Bachelor's, Master’s or MD's transcripts and certificates, respectively)

Please note: All submitted official documents must be written in English, German or need to be translated into either one of these languages. If you are submitting a translated document, please also provide a copy of the original document. For the online application, non-certified translations are sufficient. However, please note that the original (or certified copies thereof) and the certified translation of these documents will have to be presented to the coordination office once candidates have been accepted onto the program. Certification of copies can be issued, for example, by the dean's or registrar's office of your university, a German embassy or consulate, a branch of the German Academic Exchange Service, a public notary or a Goethe Institute.

  • 2 letters of recommendation from scientists familiar with you and your work (e.g., your MD, Master or Bachelor supervisor). You can track the status of your application by logging into your account on the portal and clicking on the tab 'My Application'. Please note: it is your responsibility to make sure that the referees submit their letters by the application deadline. 
  • 2 brief essays – one describing your previous research experience, the other describing the reasons for your particular interest in the IMPRS-TP program

Please take note of the following rules

  • All applications have to be submitted in English through our Online Application Tool. Registrations for the 2026 intake are open from August 15th, 2025 until October 31st, 2025. Applications submitted by mail or email will not be considered.
  • No application fees apply
  • You have to submit your application in English.
  • Please remember to formally submit your application by clicking the “Submit” button once your application is complete. Applications that are not submitted will not be considered.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications are considered complete when all mandatory fields have been filled out and submitted within the specified deadline (October 31st, 2025), and where both reference letters are received within the specified deadline (November 7th, 2025).
  • The maximum file size per uploaded document is limited to 5 MB; formats accepted by the Online Application Tool are pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Any uploaded file that does not comply will not be processed and therefore will not be visible to the reviewers. Any uploaded file that does not comply will not be processed and therefore will not be visible to the reviewers. If a document consists of more than one page it should be combined into a single PDF file. Please refrain from submitting protected documents (password or other). Protected documents cannot be converted into a final PDF file and thus will not be seen by the reviewers.
  • We recommend you use a file name that reflects the content of the file. Eg. CV_Jane Doe, MSc Degree_Jane Doe etc. Please use standard characters from the Latin alphabet and numbers for file names. Please avoid using special characters e.g., plus sign or question mark. These characters may be incompatible with UNIX and hence we will be unable to open your file. We advise you scan any documents at a resolution of no more than 300dpi.
  • Please submit your application in a timely manner - avoid submissions close to the deadline. With this approach you allow for sufficient buffer time should you encounter any issues, technical or otherwise, during your application process.

Please open your uploaded file prior to final submission in order to check it works properly. If you have any further questions, please visit our FAQ page or contact us.

Picture: Pixabay_Clker

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