Publications of Anthony S. Zannas
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
17 (834), eadj6603 (2024)
Inhibiting Hippo pathway kinases releases WWC1 to promote AMPAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and long-term memory in mice. SCIENCE SIGNALING 2019
Journal Article
10, 5770 (2019)
SKP2 attenuates autophagy through Beclin1-ubiquitination and its inhibition reduces MERS-Coronavirus infection. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Journal Article
116 (23), pp. 11370 - 11379 (2019)
Epigenetic upregulation of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-kappa B-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2016
Journal Article
21 (2), pp. 277 - 289 (2016)
FKBP51 inhibits GSK3 beta and augments the effects of distinct psychotropic medications. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 2014
Journal Article
13 (1), pp. 25 - 37 (2014)
Gene-environment interactions at the FKBP5 locus: sensitive periods, mechanisms and pleiotropism. GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
42 (Suppl. 1), T26, pp. S310 - S311 (2017)
Aging- and Stress-Related Epigenetic Disinhibition of FKBP5 Contributes to NF-KB-Driven Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk. 56th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Palm Springs, CA, December 03, 2017 - December 07, 2017. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Epigenetic mechanisms linking psychological stress and aging-related disease. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2017)