Publications of Christoph W. Turck

Journal Article (47)

Journal Article
Taujale, R.; Uchimiya, M.; Clendinen, C. S.; Borges, R. M.; Turck, C. W.; Edison, A. S.: PyINETA: Open-Source Platform for INADEQUATE-JRES Integration in NMR Metabolomics. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 96 (48), pp. 19029 - 19037 (2024)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Tadic, P.; Turck, C. W.: Prefrontal cortical synaptoproteome profile combined with machine learning predicts resilience towards chronic social isolation in rats. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 172, pp. 221 - 228 (2024)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Tadic, P.; Turck, C. W.: Prefrontal Cortex Cytosolic Proteome and Machine Learning-Based Predictors of Resilience toward Chronic Social Isolation in Rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 25 (5), 3026 (2024)
Journal Article
Giusti, S. A.; Pino, N. S.; Pannunzio, C.; Ogando, M. B.; Armando, N. G.; Garrett, L.; Zimprich, A.; Becker, L.; Gimeno, M. L.; Lukin, J. et al.; Merino, F. L.; Pardi, M. B.; Pedroncini, O.; Di Mauro, G. C.; Durner, V. G.; Fuchs, H.; de Angelis, M. H.; Patop, I. L.; Turck, C. W.; Deussing, J. M.; Weisenhorn, D. M. V.; Jahn, O.; Kadener, S.; Hoelter, S. M.; Brose, N.; Giesert, F.; Wurst, W.; Marin-Burgin, A.; Refojo, D.: A brain-enriched circular RNA controls excitatory neurotransmission and restricts sensitivity to aversive stimuli. SCIENCE ADVANCES 10 (21), eadj8769 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, H.; Mei, L.; Nie, X.; Wu, L.; Lv, L.; Ren, X.; Yang, J.; Cao, H.; Wu, J.; Zhang, Y. et al.; Hu, Y.; Wang, W.; Turck, C. W.; Shi, B.; Li, J.; Xu, L.; Hu, X.: The Tree Shrew Model of Parkinson Disease: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Nonhuman Primate Models. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 104 (11), 102145 (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, X.; Novak, B.; Namendorf, C.; Steigenberger, B.; Zhang, Y.; Turck, C. W.: Long-lived proteins and DNA as candidate predictive biomarkers for tissue associated diseases. ISCIENCE 27 (4), 109642 (2024)
Journal Article
Mohanty, I.; Mannochio-Russo, H.; Schweer, J. V.; Abiead, Y. E.; Bittremieux, W.; Xing, S.; Schmid, R.; Zuffa, S.; Vasquez, F.; Muti, V. B. et al.; Zemlin, J.; Tovar-Herrera, O. E.; Morais, S.; Desai, D.; Amin, S.; Koo, I.; Turck, C. W.; Mizrahi, I.; Kris-Etherton, P. M.; Petersen, K. S.; Fleming, J. A.; Huan, T.; Patterson, A. D.; Siegel, D.; Hagey, L. R.; Wang, M.; Aron, A. T.; Dorrestein, P. C.: The underappreciated diversity of bile acid modifications. CELL 187 (7), pp. 1801 - 1818 (2024)
Journal Article
Stepan, J.; Heinz, D. E.; Dethloff, F.; Wiechmann , S.; Martinelli, S.; Hafner, K.; Ebert, T.; Junglas, E.; Haeusl, A. S.; Poehlmann, M. L. et al.; Jakovcevski, M.; Pape, J. C.; Zannas, A. S.; Bajaj , T.; Hermann, A.; Ma, X.; Pavenstaedt, H.; Schmidt, M. V.; Philipsen, A.; Turck, C. W.; Deussing, J. M.; Rammes, G.; Robinson, A. C.; Payton, A.; Wehr, M. C.; Stein, V.; Murgatroyd, C.; Kremerskothen, J.; Kuster, B.; Wotjak, C. T.; Gassen, N. C.: Inhibiting Hippo pathway kinases releases WWC1 to promote AMPAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and long-term memory in mice. SCIENCE SIGNALING 17 (834), eadj6603 (2024)
Journal Article
Taujale, R.; Uchimiya, M.; Clendinen, C. S.; Borges, R. M.; Turck, C. W.; Edison, A. S.: PyINETA: Open-source platform for INADEQUATE-JRES integration in NMR metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry 96 (48), pp. 19029 - 19037 (2024)
Journal Article
Xu, J.; Li, H.; Hu, Y.; Wu, S.; Wu, L.; Lei, X.; Lv, L.; Lu, Y.; Wu, J.; Li, J. et al.; Shi, B.; Li, J.; Turck, C. W.; Wang, W.; Hu, X.: Lumbar puncture increases Alzheimer's disease biomarker levels in cerebrospinal fluid of rhesus monkeys. ISCIENCE 27 (4), 109436 (2024)
Journal Article
Chi, Y.; Qi, R.; Zhou, Y.; Tong, H.; Jin, H.; Turck, C. W.; Chen, W.-H.; Wang, G.-Z.: scBrainMap: a landscape for cell types and associated genetic markers in the brain. DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION 2023, baad035 (2023)
Journal Article
Contini, C.; Serrao, S.; Manconi, B.; Olianas, A.; Iavarone, F.; Guadalupi, G.; Messana, I.; Castagnola, M.; Masullo, C.; Bizzarro, A. et al.; Turck, C. W.; Maccarrone, G.; Cabras, T.: Characterization of Cystatin B Interactome in Saliva from Healthy Elderly and Alzheimer's Disease Patients. LIFE-BASEL 13 (3), 748 (2023)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Yan, Y.; Bernardi, R. E.; Turck, C. W.: Chronic fluoxetine treatment in socially-isolated rats modulates the prefrontal cortex synaptoproteome. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 282, 104925 (2023)
Journal Article
Yan, Y.; Park, D. I.; Horn, A.; Golub, M.; Turck, C. W.: Delineation of biomarkers and molecular pathways of residual effects of fluoxetine treatment in juvenile rhesus monkeys by proteomic profiling. ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH 44 (1), pp. 30 - 42 (2023)
Journal Article
Turck, C. W.; Webhofer, C.; Reckow, S.; Moy, J.; Wang, M.; Guillermier, C.; Poczatek, J. C.; Filiou, M. D.: Antidepressant treatment effects on hippocampal protein turnover: Molecular and spatial insights from mass spectrometry. PROTEOMICS, e2100244 (2022)
Journal Article
Filiou, M. D.; Teplytska, L.; Nussbaumer, M.; Otte, D.-M.; Zimmer, A.; Turck, C. W.: Multi-Omics Analysis Reveals Myelin, Presynaptic and Nicotinate Alterations in the Hippocampus of G72/G30 Transgenic Mice. JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 12 (2), 244 (2022)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Yan, Y.; Yeoh, K.; Turck, C. W.: Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment of Socially Isolated Rats Modulates Prefrontal Cortex Proteome. NEUROSCIENCE 501, pp. 52 - 71 (2022)
Journal Article
Li, J.; Nie, P.; Turck, C. W.; Wang, G.-Z.: Gene networks under circadian control exhibit diurnal organization in primate organs. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 5 (1), 764 (2022)
Journal Article
Lopez, J. P.; Luecken, M. D.; Brivio, E.; Karamihalev, S.; Kos, A.; De Donno, C.; Benjamin, A.; Yang, H.; Dick, A. L. W.; Stoffel, R. et al.; Flachskamm, C.; Ressle, A.; Roeh, S.; Huettl, R. E.; Parl, A.; Eggert, C.; Novak, B.; Yan, Y.; Yeoh, K.; Lebar, M.; Hauger, B.; Harbich, D.; Schmid, B.; Di Giaimo, R.; Turck, C. W.; Schmidt, M. V.; Deussing, J. M.; Eder, M.; Dine, J.; Theis, F. J.; Chen, A.: Ketamine exerts its sustained antidepressant effects via cell-type-specific regulation of Kcnq2. NEURON 110 (14), pp. 2283 - 2298.e9 (2022)
Journal Article
Stepan, J.; Heinz, D. E.; Dethloff, F.; Bajaj, T.; Zellner, A.; Hafner, K.; Wiechmann, S.; Mackert, S.; Mecdad, Y.; Rabenstein, M. et al.; Ebert, T.; Martinelli, S.; Haeusl, A. S.; Poehlmann, M. L.; Hermann, A.; Ma, X.; Pavenstaedt, H.; Schmidt, M. V.; Philipsen, A.; Turck, C. W.; Deussing, J. M.; Kuster, B.; Wehr, M. C.; Stein, V.; Kremerskothen, J.; Wotjak, C. T.; Gassen, N. C.: Hippo-released WWC1 facilitates AMPA receptor regulatory complexes for hippocampal learning. CELL REPORTS 41 (10), 111766 (2022)
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